In our recent posts, we have been detailing and discussing the important role that debt collectors play in the overall economy, by helping companies recover revenue that allows them to stay in business and to help consumers ensure their financial futures are not negatively impacted because of unpaid debts. To help accomplish that objective, it is important for collectors to establish legitimate connections with consumers.

Connections aren’t ploys collectors use to trick consumers into paying old debts; they are legitimate attempts by collectors to understand a consumer’s financial situation, so they can help that consumer figure out the best way to repay the debt in question. Most collection agencies will help consumers understand their financial situations, so that a workable repayment program can be established. Collectors don’t want consumers to go hungry or to ignore other financial obligations in order to get their debt repaid. Collectors want consumers to be able to continue to live while also figuring out a plan to repay this particular debt in a timely fashion, because a debt that is repaid is in everyone’s best interests, including the consumer’s.

Making Consumers Feel Comfortable

In today’s society, consumers have their guard up every time the phone rings and they don’t recognize the number that is calling them. We have been conditioned to think that the person on the other end of the phone is trying to scam us or take advantage of us, and it can be hard to believe some stranger telling us they are here to help us. But if a collector does his or her job properly — identifying himself or herself and verifying who you are — then he or she can explain the situation in greater detail and make the consumer feel comfortable about this important matter.

Trust is something that has to be earned, but it can be difficult for anyone to trust a stranger. That’s natural and it’s perfectly acceptable to be wary. Good collectors will make you feel at ease while, at the same time, making sure that you are provided with all the information you need to trust the person on the other end of the phone. Remember, collectors do this for a living and have years of experience helping consumers. Allowing collectors to establish a connection with you will help you better understand the situation and allow you to more quickly resolve it, which is in everyone’s best interest.

Learn more about what we can do to help you by reaching out to us at